Featured Products
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The perfect brick for a cosy farmhouse feeling. The facade bricks...
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Red brick with a touch of blue and black. The facade...
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A hand moulded facing brick that is more than okay. The...
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The hand moulded facing brick with blue nuances. The facade bricks...
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The star of the collection. The facade bricks (non-perforated) have five...
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The hand moulded brick that ensures a good balance. The facade...
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Southern glow. The facade bricks (non-perforated) have five sand covered sides...
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Unique colours for a facade with character. The facade bricks (non-perforated)...
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ABC-Klinker red colored facade brick.
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ABC-Klinker grey colored facade brick.
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Nelissen's wide range of products created with the motto "brick for every style" meets the needs of every style of building, whether classic, modern or contemporary.
Available in 100 different colors and 6 different sizes. Nelissen bricks are suitable for bonding and thin bed mortar. This makes it possible to apply both traditional and classical construction techniques.

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Röben brand grey color blank corrugated tile.
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Wienerberger brand red colored floor bricks.
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ABC-Klinker brand anthracite colored floor bricks.
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ABC-Klinker red colored facade brick.
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FARO schwarz-nuanciert geschiefert
Röben Clinker Bricks are made of 100% real, pure clay at...
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Röben Clinker Bricks are made of 100% real, pure clay at...
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Our product range consists of clay, one of the oldest natural building materials known to man. Brick sensitivity and a passion for innovation characterize our company and take it to the next level.
Architecture has shown us that brick as a building material is able to successfully adapt again and again to the new requirements and tasks of its time – that’s why we are working on tomorrow’s brick products today.